When an XML 1.0 processor encounters a document that specifiesa 1.x version number other than '1.0', it will process it asa 1.0 document. This means that an XML 1.0 processor will accept1.x documents provided they do not use any non-1.0 features.
[Definition: An element typehas mixed content when elements of that type may contain characterdata, optionally interspersed with childelements.] In this case, the types of the child elements may be constrained,but not their order or their number of occurrences:
serial number xml marker 2.2 87
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In an encoding declaration, the values "UTF-8", "UTF-16","ISO-10646-UCS-2", and "ISO-10646-UCS-4"SHOULD be usedfor the various encodings and transformations of Unicode / ISO/IEC 10646,the values "ISO-8859-1", "ISO-8859-2",... "ISO-8859-n" (where nis the part number) SHOULD be used for the parts of ISO 8859, andthe values "ISO-2022-JP", "Shift_JIS",and "EUC-JP"SHOULD be used for the various encodedforms of JIS X-0208-1997. Itis RECOMMENDED that character encodings registered (as charsets)with the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority [IANA-CHARSETS],other than those just listed, be referred to using their registered names;other encodings SHOULD use names starting with an "x-" prefix.XML processors SHOULD match character encoding names in a case-insensitiveway and SHOULD either interpret an IANA-registered name as the encoding registeredat IANA for that name or treat it as unknown (processors are, of course, notrequired to support all IANA-registered encodings).
Just as with external parsed entities, parameter entities need only be included if validating. When a parameter-entityreference is recognized in the DTD and included, its replacementtextMUST be enlarged by the attachment of one leading and one followingspace (#x20) character; the intent is to constrain the replacement text ofparameter entities to contain an integral number of grammatical tokens inthe DTD. Thisbehavior MUST NOT apply to parameter entity references within entity values;these are described in 4.4.5 Included in Literal.
The first two suggestions are directly derived from the rulesgiven for identifiers in Standard Annex #31 (UAX #31) of the Unicode Standard, version 5.0 [Unicode], andexclude all control characters, enclosing nonspacing marks,non-decimal numbers, private-use characters, punctuation characters(with the noted exceptions), symbol characters, unassignedcodepoints, and white space characters. The other suggestionsare mostly derived from Appendix B in previous editions of this specification.
BEA's interactive data application is the one stop shop for accessing BEA data on the fly. The interactive application makes it easier to access and use our statistics by providing a common look and feel for users accessing national, international, regional or industry statistics. The application makes the data easier to print, save and export. The charting features are robust and visually appealing. The application also allows for data sharing with others via a number of social tools.
The value of the viewBox attribute is a list of four numbers: min-x, min-y, width and height. The numbers min-x and min-y represent the top left coordinates of the viewport. The numbers width and height represent its dimensions. These numbers, which are separated by whitespace and/or a comma, specify a rectangle in user space which is mapped to the bounds of the viewport established for the associated SVG element (not the browser viewport).
The FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT section includes the name and telephone number of a person within your agency who can answer questions about the document. It may list two or more persons to contact concerning different aspects of a document.
The List of Subjects contains a list of index terms (List of Subjects) for each CFR part number cited in the document's heading. The terms provide a common vocabulary for indexing the rulemaking documents of all agencies and are the basis of the "CFR Index" prepared by the OFR.
Agencies provide a heading for each part, subpart, section, and appendix that they are proposing to amend. The Amendment Part section identifies changes or additions to the CFR. The regulatory text of a document must fit into the current text of the CFR. It should precisely identify and describe the changes made to the CFR. The amendatory language uses standard terms to give specific instructions on how to change the CFR. It does not include a discussion of why the changes are made. If a document amends only certain sections within a CFR part, the authority citation for the part will set out as the first numbered item in the list of amendments for the part.
The YAML specification is often seen as overly complicated for something whichappears to be so simple.Even though YAML often is used for software configuration, it has always beenand will continue to be a complete data serialization language.Future YAML plans are focused on making the language and ecosystem morepowerful and reliable while simultaneously simplifying the development processfor implementers.
There are many kinds of data structures, but they can all be adequatelyrepresented with three basic primitives: mappings (hashes/dictionaries),sequences (arrays/lists) and scalars (strings/numbers).YAML leverages these primitives and adds a simple typing system and aliasingmechanism to form a complete language for serializing any native datastructure.While most programming languages can use YAML for data serialization, YAMLexcels in working with those languages that are fundamentally built around thethree basic primitives.These include common dynamic languages such as JavaScript, Perl, PHP, Pythonand Ruby.
YAML information is used in two ways: for machine processing and for humanconsumption.The challenge of reconciling these two perspectives is best done in threedistinct translation stages: representation, serialization andpresentation.Representation addresses how YAML views native data structures to achieveportability between programming environments.Serialization concerns itself with turning a YAML representation into aserial form, that is, a form with sequential access constraints.Presentation deals with the formatting of a YAML serialization as a seriesof characters in a human-friendly manner.
A YAML processor need not expose the serialization or representationstages.It may translate directly between native data structures and a characterstream (dump and load in the diagram above).However, such a direct translation should take place so that the native datastructures are constructed only from information available in therepresentation.In particular, mapping key order, comments and tag handles should not bereferenced during construction.
The final output process is presenting the YAML serializations as acharacter stream in a human-friendly manner.To maximize human readability, YAML offers a rich set of stylistic optionswhich go far beyond the minimal functional needs of simple data storage.Therefore the YAML processor is required to introduce various presentationdetails when creating the stream, such as the choice of node styles, howto format scalar content, the amount of indentation, which tag handles touse, the node tags to leave unspecified, the set of directives to provideand possibly even what comments to add.While some of this can be done with the help of the application, in generalthis process should be guided by the preferences of the user.
Parsing is the inverse process of presentation, it takes a stream ofcharacters and produces a serialization tree.Parsing discards all the details introduced in the presentation process,reporting only the serialization tree.Parsing can fail due to ill-formed input.
Composing takes a serialization tree and produces a representation graph.Composing discards all the details introduced in the serialization process,producing only the representation graph.Composing can fail due to any of several reasons, detailed below.
The final input process is constructing native data structures from theYAML representation.Construction must be based only on the information available in therepresentation and not on additional serialization or presentationdetails such as comments, directives, mapping key order, node styles,scalar content format, indentation levels etc.Construction can fail due to the unavailability of the required native datatypes.
This section specifies the formal details of the results of the aboveprocesses.To maximize data portability between programming languages and implementations,users of YAML should be mindful of the distinction between serialization orpresentation properties and those which are part of the YAMLrepresentation.Thus, while imposing a order on mapping keys is necessary for flatteningYAML representations to a sequential access medium, this serializationdetail must not be used to convey application level information.In a similar manner, while indentation technique and a choice of a nodestyle are needed for the human readability, these presentation details areneither part of the YAML serialization nor the YAML representation.By carefully separating properties needed for serialization andpresentation, YAML representations of application information will beconsistent and portable between various programming environments.
To express a YAML representation using a serial API, it is necessary toimpose an order on mapping keys and employ alias nodes to indicate asubsequent occurrence of a previously encountered node.The result of this process is a serialization tree, where each node has anordered set of children.This tree can be traversed for a serial event-based API.Construction of native data structures from the serial interface should notuse key order or anchor names for the preservation of application data. 2ff7e9595c